Ingélux Chargement en cours...

Research & Innovation

ingélux participates and coordinates several research and innovation collaborative projects on daylight and artificial light. This activity is a fundamental orientation since the creation of the firm in 2001 : ingélux was then launched as the spin-off company of the CNRS (French National Scientific Research Center) on daylight and artificial light in building and urban applications.
Since then, ingélux has participated to more than 15 research programs, in France and abroad (European, IEA and CIE projects). We coordinated 6 of these projects with 5 participants at a mean number, the partners covering the wide value chain of light: research labs, industrials, medical research lab, lighting designer and artists, final users, building owners, etc.).
Recently, the DELPHI4LED European project was validated (kick-off 1st June, 2016, duration 36 months). ingélux will be task leader of the LED standardization workpackage, and will participate to the CIE technical committee CIE TC 2-84).
ingélux is also actively involved in the French Cluster Lumière activities since 2008, and is secretary of the association since 2011.


  • Cluster Lumière
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche
  • Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie
Ecco-Build (2003-2007)

Ecco-Build (2003-2007)

European Project, with Fraunhofer Institute Freiburg, EPFL-Lausanne, Servidan-DK, Hueppe –GER.
Developpement a blinds control with visuel comfort.

Everlite Daylighting Software (2006)

Everlite Daylighting Software (2006)

viewing light environments using the Everlite Products.

Lighting simulate online

Lighting simulate online

Design and development of software to support the study of lighting for web or standalone envirronement. (2007-2008).

MultiPoro : software modeling and simulation of multilayer systems with single and double porosity

MultiPoro : software modeling and simulation of multilayer systems with single and double porosity

It is developed for Matelys Company. it allows simulate different material characteristics such as: the absorption coefficient, the transmittance, the reflectance, the impedance of the surfaces (2010).

Diasol : diagnostic software tool for solar loads of windows

Diasol : diagnostic software tool for solar loads of windows

Its interface is designed specifically for the management of masks from an urban or shading.